The Keeper Fan Club Wiki
Dexter Alvin Dizznee


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Dexter Alvin Dizznee is the first child of Kesler and Juline Dizznee. He has three siblings Lex, Bex, and Rex, who are triplets. He is a level four in foxfire and one of the most powerful Technopath in the lost cities, As only a level three he designed a functioning ability restrictor for the council that Sophie Foster is forced to wear, he is currently fourteen as far as we know.

Dex has had a crush on Sophie and it is validated that she does not return the feelings, in the six book they kissed and that is as far as they have gotten romantically. Dex met Sophie when she went to his father's apothecary for medicine and had had a crush on her since then. Dex has had only one near-death experience as far as I know and that is when he was kidnapped along with Sophie, in the first book, by the Neverseen.

In Legacy, he became a member of Team Valiant.